Level 4, No. 9, School Lane, Kollupitiya, Colombo.03


Open Mon – Fri 08:30-18:00

Functional Overview

CRM Potential of Service Edge


Complaint Module

icon 1

Receive a Complaint

Receive complaint via call center , mobile app , or other channels and record them on the system

icon 2

View Complaints

Complaints recorded show up on the summary panel. The clock starts. Filter complaints to view them.

icon 3

Review and Classify

Complaints can be viewed and classified : GENERAL COMPLAINTS / PRODUCT / DEPARTMENT SPECIFIC etc.

icon 4

Resolve the Complaint

The complaint is kept open and followed up using action points and the chat function. Until the complaint is resolved. Document the ROOT CAUSE & Remedial Action Taken.

icon 5

Allocate to a Department

Complaints can be reviewed and allocated to a department. The department head , must review and accept. Then add action points to users in the department and across the organization.

icon 6

Get Customers to Confirm

Customers confirms that the complaint has been resolved via mobile app , or customer portal. Customer also have the option of allocating a satisfaction score which is updated on dashboards.

Installation Module

ins 1

Trigger an Installation

A job request can be triggered from your sales platform if any item purchased required an installation.

ins 2

Carry out Site Inspection

A site inspection to validate that the installation can be carried out as standard installation. Or if a special costing is required.

ins 3

Cost Estimate

In the event a special installation is required. It can be costed onsite through the technician mobile app

ins 4

Customer Approval

If a special installation is called for. Then the customer must approve on the portal or mobile app.

ins 5

Team Allocation

The job can then be allocated to the relevant team: Company team Franchise team or Sub contractor team , via the mobile app

ins 6

Carry out Installation

The team can be navigate to the customer site , using the app. Carry out the installation taking pictures before and after. Updating stock usage as well

ins 7

Close Job

The job is then closed after adding warranty and serial details. Based on images received from the field. Job is then closed.

ins 8


The comprehensive online dashboards and filters provide operational managers detailed visibility of the process

Warranty Service & Service Contract Module


new 4
new 5
new 6

Service Contract

Breakdown Module


break 1
break 2
break 3

Warranty Repair

warranty 1
warranty 2
warranty 3
warranty 4

Charged Repair

charged 1
charged 2
charged 3
charged 4


A wealth of information available to employees and managers at a glance
Work allocation and completion rates
Employee and Department efficiency scores
Present relevant information to employees to support informed Decision making
Service delivery score
Customer Satisfaction rating
Information for Business Strategy Formulation, and Service Improvements

Processes Run Like Clock Work

Automate processes
Manage Approvals
Interdepartmental Handshakes
Ensure Customer Request Never Fall Through the Cracks
Work Allocation Ensure Process is Followed Always
Improve Service Levels
Manage Process Related Documents

Managing Customer Interactions

Customer Portal
Mobile App -Ios / Android
Customer Profile
Approve Cost Quotations
Confirm Service Dates and Appointments
View purchase history
Loyalty Programs
Segment and Target Customers
eMails and SMS alerts
Job completion confirmation
Satisfaction Scoring for all Interactions

Leveraging Technology to Drive Service

Allocate Jobs Based on Availability & Workload
Allocate Jobs Based on Proximity & Location
Mobile Apps for Employees
Mobile Apps for Customers