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Open Mon – Fri 08:30-18:00

Round Robin Function

Get work done, without the fuss !

Work allocation is an integral part of any process, especially where large volumes of work need to be processed in a timely fashion or critical period.
Making tasks “available” on a database or Task Pad may be ineffective in ensuring all work is completed and error-free before the deadline.
It is often necessary that work is allocated to a dedicated resource in a controlled, transparent manner.
This is where the eDGEVANTAGE Round Robin Function comes in.
The Round Robin Function is a scheduling algorithm that distributes work evenly among all available resources, ensuring no single resources is overworked. It can also group tasks or allocate in bulk to any one resource where necessary.

How it Works

The Team Leader or Manager of a Processing Unit can use the eDGEVANTAGE RR function to allocate work based on a variety of factors.

The Manager also has the necessary Access to review a User’s Task List and re-allocate specific tasks, re-distribute accumulated work, deal with sudden or unexpected absence or users on vacation or long leave, and ensure work is not building up on a User’s Task Pad or Queue.

Did You Know

“The Round Robin function also has Memory

This allows the function to route,

Returns, when a user subsequent to a Processing User in the process returns the task for a correction or changes,
And Resubmissions, when a Processing User returns the task to the user prior to them in the process, and that user resubmits after making the necessary corrections or amendments, to the same user who handled the Case in the first Instance.

So in the case that a task has been completed with errors or criterion have been misunderstood, Tasks can be re-allocated to the same agent to complete without being randomly assigned to another user, saving time and effort in managing rework.

The Round Robin function connected to a couple of specifically designed dashboards can give managers an excellent representation on a users workload, performance, rework created, resubmissions managed and overall completion of work as well as build up of work within the individual queues and within the processing team.

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